

Botanical Name: Momordica charantia 
Plant Part Used: Fruit 
Processing Method: Extraction 
Belonging to the family of Cucurbitaceae, Bitter melon is also known as bitter gourd and balsam pear. Originated in Africa, it is well known for its bitter taste. Charantin, momordicine, p-insulin, saponin, triterpene, proteid, steroid, alkaloid, lipid, and phenolic are active components present in bitter melon. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. 

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Botanical Name: Momordica charantia 
Plant Part Used: Fruit 
Processing Method: Extraction 
Belonging to the family of Cucurbitaceae, Bitter melon is also known as bitter gourd and balsam pear. Originated in Africa, it is well known for its bitter taste. Charantin, momordicine, p-insulin, saponin, triterpene, proteid, steroid, alkaloid, lipid, and phenolic are active components present in bitter melon. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. 
  • What is the scientific name of Bitter Melon Extract Powder?
    The scientific name of Bitter Melon is Momordica charantia.
  • What is the active compound in Bitter Melon Extract Powder 10% Bitter?
    The active compound is characterized by 10% bitterness, primarily attributed to bitter compounds such as charantin and momordicosides.
  • What is the extraction ratio of Bitter Melon Extract Powder?
    The extraction ratio can vary, but typically, it is standardized to ensure 10% bitterness content in the final product.
  • Is this product microbiologically and chemically tested?
    Yes, Bitter Melon Extract Powder is rigorously tested for microbiological safety, heavy metals, and chemical contaminants. Results are available in analytical reports.
  • What is the appearance of Bitter Melon Extract Powder 10% Bitter?
    It is a fine light to dark brown powder with a distinct bitter taste and characteristic odour.
  • Is Bitter Melon Extract Powder gluten-free?
      Yes, this product is gluten-free and also free from common allergens such as dairy, soy, wheat, peanuts, and tree nuts. 
  • What is the country of origin for Bitter Melon Extract Powder?
      The country of origin is typically India, but it can vary depending on sourcing and client requirements.
  • What is the mesh size of Bitter Melon Extract Powder 10% Bitter?
    The mesh size is typically 80 mesh, ensuring a fine and consistent powder.
  • What is the moisture content in Bitter Melon Extract Powder?
    The moisture content is typically controlled to be less than 10% w/w to ensure product stability.
  • What is the ash content in this product?
        The ash content is usually below 10% w/w. 
  • What test method is used for Bitter Melon Extract Powder?
    The primary test method is UV-spectrophotometry for bitterness content, along with HPLC for identifying specific bioactive compounds.
  • What is the shelf life of Bitter Melon Extract Powder 10% Bitter?
    The shelf life is typically 2 years when stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Is E. coli & Salmonella present in this product?
    No, the product is tested to be free from E. coli and Salmonella, ensuring it is safe for consumption.
  • What heavy metals are tested in Bitter Melon Extract Powder 10% Bitter?
      We test for lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium to ensure compliance with international safety standards, including California Prop 65 regulations.
  • Is Bitter Melon Extract suitable for vegetarians and vegans?
    Yes, this extract is entirely plant-based and ideal for both vegetarians and vegans.
  • What is the bitter principle in Bitter Melon Extract?
    The bitterness in Bitter Melon Extract comes from compounds like charantin, momordicin, and cucurbitacin, which are known for their bioactive properties.

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